108 Names of Bharat Mata
Bharat Mata Gayatri Mantras
Bharat Mata Ekavimsati Song
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108 Names of Bharatamata
Gayatri Mantras
Ekavimsati Song
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Sri Bharatamata
Ashtottaram 95
(Kartavyam: means- What to be done, duty; Boḋhaka: means- That which preaches,
Swami Vivekānanda once said 'In whatever circumstances you are in, if you remember your duty (svadharma), things will be done automatically'. Our father of the nation, Mahāṫma Gandhi said 'nobody can degrade your self-respect without your consent'. Like this many great men of India conveyed us the messages about our duty. Great people with duty as their virtue have walked on our land and sanctified it. They not only did their duty to the country but they have preached us those duties. From the Vedas to the sacred texts; from Rāmāyaṇa to Srimaḋ Bhagavaḋgīta-, whatever book, text, scripture or doctrine you read; they all preaches our duty as human beings, especially as a Hindu. Our Sanātana dharma teaches us that- being born as a human we not only should eat, drink and propitiate like animals; but every human has a goal and duty in life. There are so many quotes like- 'We cannot become just clay dolls and with effort, ambition, devotion, commitment, and focus; we can become 'Brahman' and 'with krushi (effort) and śrama (hard work) man can become a sage, seer, and ṛishi'.
In Srimaḋ Bhagavaḋgīta-, on the battle field Lord Sri Krishṇa did deliver the same message about 'one's duty' to Arjuna, the warrior. He said that, if one fulfills his own duty, he is automatically qualified as the one who followed the dharma. From a person who eats dog's meat to the person who performs 'somayāgam'; both are qualified dhārmic people as long as they perform their prescribed duties. In Lord Sri Krishṇa's view they both are equal to Him and both are His favorites. This shows how much significance is given to one's own duty (svadharmam).
Our scriptures, sacred texts, brahmasūtrās and dharma sūtrās explained in detail one's duties according to dharma; the do's (niyamas) and don'ts (yamas) and also the knowledge of the 'Brahman'. It taught us the knowledge of sādhana ćatuṣhtayam along with the 'anubandha - ćatuṣhtayam'. It also taught us the discriminative knowledge useful for the sādhana (spiritual practice). According to our qualities and attributes, we can choose the path of karma or path of jnāna, whichever suits our life style. That is the beauty of our Sanātana dharma, which we cannot find in any other religion. There are no mandates or doctrines to follow and the śāstrās leave it up to the individual and his ambition. Our land has blessed us with the gurus, swamis and sannyāsins as guru parampara to convey us the message of 'duty'(svadharmam) .
The land which preaches our duties as humans is our land and it is 'Kartavya Bodhaka Bhūmi'.