108 Names of Bharat Mata
Bharat Mata Gayatri Mantras
Bharat Mata Ekavimsati Song
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108 Names of Bharatamata
Gayatri Mantras
Ekavimsati Song
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Sri Bharatamata
Ashtottaram 78
(Pūrṇah: means-Full, Infinite, Complete)
In Hindu culture and tradition 'pūrṇam' signifies completeness, sacredness and fullness. Based on the 'pūrṇam,' the 'sunna'-'zero' was recognized and written in our 'Gaṇitaśāstram'. This 'pūrṇam' (zero as a symbol) has changed the world with the invention of computers based on binary code for which, the zero and the one, are the numbers used. That's why, famous scientists like the Nobel prize winner, Albert Einstein once said, 'if it isn't for India, without which, no worthwhile scientific progress would have been made possible'. Our ancient seers and sages realized the 'Parabrahman' as full, complete, infinite, and 'pūrṇam'.
We recite the śanti' mantram from the Ȋśāvāsyopanishad-'Om! Pūrṇamadah, pūrṇamidam, pūrṇāt pūrṇa........pūrṇamevāvaśishyaṫe,' meaning 'this is pūrṇam (full), that is pūrṇam (full) and whatever here is, pūrṇam. When you add or deduct from the full, what remains is full'. The infinite nature of the Parabrahman was explained in this hymn. That Infinite has no beginning or end. The Jīva is also full and is nothing but Parabrahman.
That Parabrahman is pūrṇam, which is symbolized with a circle that we recognize as Zero. When you place a zero in front of a number, the value of that number increases. The more zeros you add to that number, the bigger the value is. On the other hand, when you place a zero before a number, no matter how many zeros you add, the value is going to diminish. If you multiply any big number you want with a zero, the value is going to be zero. What a wonderful concept our ancient sages thought of which has revolutionized our world. The fullness and auspiciousness of that pūrṇatvam came to their realization during deep meditation or tapas. Today, everyone knows how the computers have revolutionized our world. From a child to an old person, there is no one in this world who is not dependent on this technology in their daily lives from the time they get up from the bed in the morning, till they go back to bed at night. Thanks to our pūrṇam (zero)! Even western philosophers and psychologists came to our country and learned about the 'pūrṇam' and wrote books, and started teaching in prestigious universities about our concept of 'pūrṇam' as a graduate and postgraduate research material. Only those who understand the deeper meaning of 'pūrṇam' can appreciate its depth of knowledge.
We use 'pūrṇam' as an auspicious 'pūrṇakumbham' in rituals, festivals, marriages and temple activities. When someone is honored in a function, priests receive them with 'pūrṇakumbham'.
The land, which recognized the fullness of Brahman as 'pūrṇam' is our 'Pūrṇa Bhūmi'.