108 Names of Bharat Mata Video

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108 Names of Bharat Mata

Gayatri Mantras Video

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Bharat Mata Gayatri Mantras

Ekavimski Video

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Bharat Mata Ekavimsati Song


About the Author

108 Names of Bharatamata

Gayatri Mantras

Ekavimsati Song

Speaking/Media Contact

Sri Bharatamata

Ashtottaram 25




           OṀ (AUM) - SWEE - YAA - RAA -DHA- NA - BHOO- MYAI- NA--MA- HA


                 (Swēyārādhana: means 'worship our own', 'amata')





In Srimadbhagavadgīta, Lord Sri Krishna said "the utmost dharma is performing your own duty" and Hindus worship God according to their own way and method and there are no absolute steadfast rules or regulations or creeds and hence, it makes the worship swēyārādhana without any religious overtone, which makes it 'amata' (without any religion). Up until recently for Hindus it's the way of life following eternal dharma (universal code of righteousness). However, since the foreign invasions, brutal killings of Indians, robbing their wealth, looting the diamonds and jewelry from the temples and demolishing the temples; and erecting mosques and churches in their places, raping women and all kinds of atrocities  against Indians and started calling them the 'Hindus' and the way of life as 'Hinduism'. But some scholars define Hindu as someone who rejects untruth and accepts only reality.


The reason our way of life is not a religious one, because it is not started by an individual or group of individuals claiming to be the children of God or God directly spoke to them and force their ideology against the will of the people by any means including rape, and barbaric killings until people accept their ideology. These religions have a supreme leader, central authority and creeds converts have to follow otherwise face the deathly consequences. They also waged wars and battles against nations and killed people mercilessly using swords and bombs; raped women and established their religions by inflicting fear. They also have actively targeted poor people in other nations like India, and proselytized them into their religion by fear, rape, or offering food, clothes, schools and medicine. This still goes on around the world with major religions and they call themselves, 'missionaries.'


In contrast to the above, Indians worshipped deities, gods and goddesses according to their own will and understanding; and there is no one to impose rules and regulations up on them how to worship God! There is no single prophet, who claims to be the messenger of God and no one forces an Indian what sacred text to read or to recite. On the contrary, all the other religions criticize and ridicule Indians that we have three crores of gods and goddesses; and we worship trees and animals. It only shows ignorance and idiotic thinking on the part of those critics, not realizing that God answers your prayers in whatever form or language you worship Him. This reality is known to every Indian from a scholar to a street beggar. That is the beauty of our Sanātana Dharma, which is not a religion (amatam) but a way of life.


Hence, our motherland is "Swēyārādhana Bhūmi".