108 Names of Bharat Mata
Bharat Mata Gayatri Mantras
Bharat Mata Ekavimsati Song
Ashtottaram 13
(Ādhyātmikam: means “pertaining to the Ātman-the Soul/Self)
Ādhyātmikam means knowing the nature of the Self. In the Upanishads as well as in the Bhagavadgīta the three words, adhibhūta, adhidaiva and ādhyātma are frequently met with. The indeclinable 'adhi' has the sense of 'ruling over,' 'pertaining to'. The word 'ātman' is often used in the sense of the body. Hence 'ādhyātma' generally indicates the Self within the body which resides in it and rules over it. It is also used to indicate Brahman or the Supreme Self. The word is also used as an adjective and in combination with other words like ādhyātmavidyā (knowledge of the Self), ādhyātmayoga (yoga or meditation on the Self). The word 'ātman' is used for many like the eternal soul, ādipuruṣha, virātpuruṣha, antaryāmi, jīvātma, spirit in your body; to name a few. Depending on the circumstance and situation these different names are used.
The knowledge about the Self is the blessing of our Vedas through our ancient ṛishis who taught us that the Self is self effulgent, eternal and self manifested. The means of knowing the Self is called Self-knowledge (knowledge of Brahman). The wise-person who knows this knowledge is referred as 'Brahmavit'. Knowing the relationship between the body and the soul is knowledge. The human body is the field and the soul is the fielder. Just like the sunlight illuminates everything it falls on, the Self is the same in every being and knowing that is Self-knowledge. Ādhyātmikam teaches that the inquiry about the soul and Self should be the goal of every one and once you realize this, it then should be part of your life at all times.
We should feel proud and fortunate to be borne in the land which we call Bhārata bhōmi, which is the only one that teaches about the Self and Ātman and makes it as one of the human pursuits and leads us toward liberation. Hence, we can proudly call our motherland as 'Ādhyātmika Bhūmi'.
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About the Author
108 Names of Bharatamata
Gayatri Mantras
Ekavimsati Song
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Sri Bharatamata