108 Names of Bharat Mata Video

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108 Names of Bharat Mata

Gayatri Mantras Video

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Bharat Mata Gayatri Mantras

Ekavimski Video

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Bharat Mata Ekavimsati Song

                                            Ashtottaram 1




                OṀ (AUM) - BHAA - RA-TA- BHOO- MYAI - NA--MA- HA







(OṀ is Praṇavanādam, name of GOD; Bhārata: Historical name of our country; Bhūmi: Land, country.,

Namah: Salutations)


 “Bharatah” in Veda mantras, “Bhārata” in Bhagavad Gīta are familiar words for every Hindu, which means this word is existent since ancient Vedic times. Our understanding is that the name -Bharata varṣha came into usage because of the famous ruler Bharata. However if we look into the history of our country, we realize that there are different legends how we got the name Bharata.

  • In Vedas the word Bharat means “ritual fire”. Bharat varamanatvāt bharatah, means the bearer, sustainer, fire and who gives pleasure. The eternal dharma in the creation is this fire -“Agni”. This is fire-knowledge: Agni.


  • Bha-means light, knowledge, and effulgence; Rata-means curiosity, relish, and fond of. So Bharata means that we are fond of light and knowledge. That’s why from the ancient times, we offer prayers with water to SUN- God every morning, before dawn.
  • A Jnāni and avadhūta by the name of Jaḍa Bharata was the son of Rājaṛshi-VṛshabhaYogīswara. Jaḍa Bharata ruled our land and in his honor also we might have gotten the names of “Bharata Vaṛsha” and “Bharata Khanḍa”, according to Bhāgavata Purāṇa. Prior to that, our land was called “Ajanābha Ḋeśa”.


  • Historically our land was called “Bharata” because of the youngest brother of Lord Sri Rāmachandra, who ruled it for 14 years.
  • Last, but not the least is the story of famous couple Ḋushyanta and Śakunṫala in Mahābhārata, written by Veḋa Vyāsa. Their son Bharata (whose original names were Sarvaḋamana; Ḋouhitra) ruled our country and brought her the name and fame.


As you can see, whatever may be the above reasons, the country we proudly call ours is -"Bhārata Bhūmi."




About the Author

108 Names of Bharatamata

Gayatri Mantras

Ekavimsati Song

Speaking/Media Contact

Sri Bharatamata